

Thanks Lachlan+Andrew for some of the slides

Good Faith Policy

We expect a high standard of professionalism from you at all times while you are taking any of our courses. We expect all students to act in good faith at all times.

TLDR: Don’t be a dick



Client Side Injection

  • WWW
    • Everything is a document
    • Origin vs Site
    • HTML + JS
    • DOM
  • XSS
    • Source + Sink
    • Goals
    • Exfiltration Methods
  • CSRF
  • WAF Bypass
    • Encoding
    • Other tricks
  • Prevention
    • CORS
    • SOP
    • CSP


  • World Wide Web
  • Everything is a document
    • How those documents is client dependent
    • HTML, JS, VBScript


  • Document Object Model
  • An API for scripting languages to interact with web documents
  • document.cookie, location.url, window.onload,
  • Mozilla
  • We use the DOM to access + exfiltrate info


  • Static (on its own)
  • Tags
    • Paired: <script>..</script>
    • Single: <img .. />
  • Manipulating the tags in HTML is useful
  • HTML encoding


  • Adds dynamic functionality
  • Inline HTML using <script> or loaded externally
  • Separate files
  • Interacts with the DOM
    • document.write()
    • document.getElementById()
    • document.cookie
    • window.localstorage

l33t notes

  • HTML is cAsE INSEnSItive
  • <script>...</script>
  • <img onerror="..." src="x">
  • <svg/>
  • document.write()
  • fetch()
  • hacktricks.xyz
  • portswigger

Origin vs Site

What is an origin?


origin = scheme + host + port

What is a site?

http://www.website.com:80 > https://mobile.website.com:443 > ftp://f.website.com:21

site = private_domain + public_suffix

  • Scheme doesn’t matter
  • Port doesn’t matter
  • Just the domain!



origin = scheme + host + port


site = private_domain + public_suffix site = domain


  • User input is rendered as HTML
  • Variants
    • Self
    • Reflected
    • Stored
    • DOM

Reflected XSS

The payload is part of user input (i.e. URL bar, inside a cookie, etc)

Demo: Reflected XSS

Who’d click on them though…. But also like, link shorteners… But also like, “…”

Stored XSS

The payload is stored in some sort of database.

Arguably more dangerous… Anyone who opens a page that returns content from that same database may be victim to a stored XSS attack

  • Twitter Self Retweeting
  • Myspace ‘Samy’ Worm

Demo: Stored XSS

DOM-based XSS

The client pieces together data which eventually becomes an exploit itself.

i.e. document.write(...)

Mitigating XSS

  • Validation - Blacklisting / whitelisting of input
  • Sanitisation - Remove unsafe tags and attributes
  • Encode - Escape data so it’s not a control character


Don’t use .innerHTML or .outerHTML

use .innerText or .textContent


JS Frameworks

X-XSS-Protection header

Turn it off, it’s broken 🔥 🌊🚒

X-XSS-Protection: 0

  • Sometimes causes client-side errors on real code
  • Has its own vulnerabilities

“Firefox never supported X-XSS-Protection and Chrome and Edge have announced they are dropping have dropped support for it."


iframes, sandbox, seamless, etc…

Link: GitHub

Mitigating XSS Mitigations

  • Filter evasion [1] [2] [3]
  • TL;DR Abuse bad sanitisation


Cross site request forgery

“Heyyyy, look here 🥺 👉👈”

Tricking a user into making requests they didn’t intend, sending data and loading attacker controlled documents

CSRF Tokens

Stop CSRF attempts by supplying the user with a single-use ’nonce’ value.

  • When the page loads, a nonce is included
    • e.g. cookie, header, HTML form
  • The nonce must be passed in the request
  • Should be random and single use

Can’t forge a request if you don’t know the nonce before hand… sort of…

CSRF Token Attacks
  • Better hope the server is handling CSRF tokens properly
  • Single. Use. grr.
  • Forge?
  • Override?


  • XSS - The JavaScript method
  • CSRF - The HTML method

Generally XSS is performed in the background (since it’s a script exploit)


Content Security Policy

  • Only allow content from specific sources
  • Really useful (when used properly)
  • Nonce is used
  • Prevents
    • eval()
    • inline scripts
    • iframes


  • Policy defined in HTTP headers or HTML tags
    • HTTP is better
  • Various settings

Beating CSP

  • Exploiting trust
    • Hijack trusted source
    • Redirection
    • Inheritance
  • Turn off the restriction


Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

  • Default browser behaviour to prevent sharing cross origin
    • So cookies/local storage aren’t shared
  • Set in HTTP headers
  • Set which origins other than its own that can load its resources
  • Used with SOP


Same-Origin Policy

  • Restricts how resources from origin A (e.g. script) can interact with a resource from origin B
  • Applies only to scripts
    • Can use non-scripting attacks to beat
  • Used with CORS


WAF Bypass

  • can use / instead of spaces
    • `<img/src=“x”/onerror="…"/>
  • can use enter tab/newline in ‘javascript:’