• Robots
  • Sitemap

  • Use the app
    • Network Activity
      • Headers
        • Possible sinks
        • Security policies
        • Cookies
          • HttpOnly, secure?
          • Domain, path
      • Where are they going?
      • When do they occur?
      • What data is being sent?
  • Source code

    • Comments (CTF moment)
    • Endpoints (esp. hidden)
    • Scripts
      • Relative path?
      • Where is the script from?
      • CSP
        • Nonce
        • Which rules exactly?
      • Inline
  • XSS

    • Sources and Sinks
      • Use webhooks to enumerate
    • CSP
      • Can we:
        • Response split
        • Hijack Trust
        • Forge Nonce
    • Test the WAF
      • Think about what rules it could be using
  • SQLi

    • Break query
    • Rebuild query
    • Are there errors?
      • If so, where?
        • Rendered
        • Console
        • Responses
      • What do they look like?
    • Escape the query
      • '")
      • Comment at the end ` – a`
    • What DB?
      • MySQL: information_schema
        • information_schema.tables
        • information_schema.columns
    • Number of columns being rendered/returned
    • Useful SQL keywords
      • OR + AND 1=1/1=0
      • GROUP BY
      • LIMIT
      • OFFSET
      • ORDER BY
      • UNION
  • SSTI

    • What templating engine?
      • Jinja?
    • 1
    • RCE
      • Python MRO
  • Processed HTML
